30.08.2019 • 

Which statement summarizes the main idea of mark antony’s speech best?
a) mark antony fully supports the conspirators’ actions because caesar was ambitious, even though caesar tried to act genuine by naming the people as his heirs in his will; mutiny is not an expected reaction from the roman crowd.
b) mark antony fully supports brutus as the next dictator of rome because caesar was overly ambitious and harmful to rome; mutiny might be an expected reaction from the roman crowd.
c) mark antony refutes brutus’ accusations of caesar being overly ambitious by giving examples of his humility and his great love for romans, whom he named as heirs in his will; mutiny might be an expected reaction from the roman crowd.
d) mark antony is too overcome with grief at the loss of caesar to give an effective speech, so the crowd is not aware of caesar’s ambition; mutiny is not an expected reaction from

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