19.03.2020 • 

While most of his peers enjoyed high school, David did not. "I can't wait to 5 points
get to college and really start my life," he'd often tell himself. When David
got to college, he found out that it wasn't much different from high
school. "I can't wait to graduate and get a job so that I can really get
started on my life," David would tell himself. When he graduated from
college and found a job, David realized that he did not really like working
that much. "I hate slaving away at work. I can't wait until my retirement.
That's when my life is really going to begin," David told himself. He worked
away his days and nights, enjoying them very little and always thinking
about how things would be better when he retired. When he finally retired,
he found that he was in too much pain to do the things that he had
planned on doing earlier in life. Having nothing else to look forward to in
life, David spent his final days on a bench in the sun, thinking about how
much happier he would be in heaven.
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