11.01.2021 • 

Why is "The cat is a shadow" a metaphor, not a simile? Why is "The poem speaks to me" a personification?

Why is "I typed at lightning speed” a hyperbole?

What could a skull be a symbol of?

What is the purpose of each figure of speech? {What is it trying to tell you?)

Words came pouring out of her mouth.

He has the body of a string bean.

My dog is a million times smarter than yours.

/ move like a snail.

My legs refused to move.

Identify each example as figurative {F) or literal {L).


16. I studied so much my head might explode.

21. She broke his heart .


17. I am so hyper today!


22. That TV is so loud I can't hear you!


18. Find the answer in the dictionary.


23. Reach for the stars. You can do it!


19. What do you know - he pulled it off!


24. This pen is not cooperating.


20 . Those brownies are calling my name.


25. He caught the thief red-handed .

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