18.03.2021 • 

WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!! PLEASE WRITE DOWN A PARAGRAPH! Your task in this discussion will be to discuss the effect of friendship upon the characters. You will also share the strategies you use to find textual evidence. Check out an excerpt from one of your classmate's posts. One of the strategies I'll be using to respond to this discussion post is to closely analyze conversations between characters, especially Mary and Colin. I think you can tell so much about how characters feel about each other by looking at the words they use to speak to each other, their tone, and their responses.

Create one original post that

Uses specific examples from the text to explain how friendship changes Mary and Colin.
Explains what strategies you used to find these examples.
Create two response posts that

Contribute meaningfully to the original post of a classmate.
Use the discussion rubric to find out how you will be graded.

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