19.05.2020 • 

The following is a draft of a student essay. It may contain errors.

The Apple Pie Disaster

(1) Monica had gotten good grades last semester, so she and I decided to celebrate her success by baking an apple pie. (2) After a long day at school, both of us went to the closest supermarket to buy the ingredients for the apple pie. (3) We carefully picked up all the items on the list and eagerly walked back home. (4) On our way back, we kept discussing how we could make our pie tastier by adding some whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
(5) As soon as we reached home, we excitedly began our baking experiment. (6) We pre-heated the oven as mentioned in the recipe. (7) Meanwhile, I prepared the dough for the pie and placed it carefully on a pie plate. (8) Monica tossed the sliced apples in a large bowl along with some brown sugar and cinnamon. (9) After setting the temperature of the oven, Monica sliced the apples into thin, even slices. (10) We beautifully arranged the apple slices on the pie crust and put the pie tray in the oven for about 30 minutes. (11) Both of us were very proud of our joint experiment, and we could not wait for our pie to be ready. (12) Once the pie crust began to appear golden-brown, we took the pie out of the oven and let it cool for a while. (13) We then placed a big dollop of whipped cream on our pie and sat down to enjoy it. (14) We took a bite of the pie and it tasted very salty. (15) To our horror, we realized that I had added salt to the pie dough instead of sugar!

Which detail would be best to add after sentence 11 to further develop the description of characters?
Monica eagerly peered into the oven and clapped her hands with anticipation.
The pie baked and we quickly cleaned up the pans and bowls in the kitchen.
We decided that whipped cream on our pie would be better than ice cream.
Monica and I agreed that this would be the best apple pie in history.

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