28.05.2020 • 

Will Mark Brainliest. Write an argument essay taking a stand about modern standards of health and beauty. Define what beauty is and describe modern society's methods for achieving it. 1) provide an introduction that includes your claim/thesis statement. 2) organize your essay in order of importance or logical order. 3) use relevant evidence. 4) support your position with facts, quotations, and examples. 5) use appropriate transitions between sentences and paragraphs to create cohesion and clarify the relationship among ideas and concepts. 6) use precise language to explain your stance. 7) provide a conclusion. 8) Your paper must be in the form of a multi - paragraph essay. ( All Subject Titles I list you have to include every one in the essay). Tanning Beds Prove Deadly, Your Body Image, Girls Trying To Be Deadly Thin, Teens And Obesity, Improving Body Image, The Hefty Price Of Beauty, Cosmetics in Ancient Times ---> Examples like -- during the fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. The Beginning of Control Over Cosmetics, Cosmetics Today. ( Please be "very very honest with your answer and make sure you add everything that it say' step by step).

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