05.01.2021 • 

Will someone go through and read this (I know it's not completely grammatically correct, but it'll be a speech... also I wrote it when I was in sixth grade s) ANYWAY I need someone to go through and pick out the main points and the sub points. The summer of 2018 may have been one of the most frightening experiences of my life! I woke up one Sunday morning and I hadn’t been feeling up to par lately. I told this to my mom, who was already dressed and ready to go to church. She contacted several doctors in the area, but there were no time slots available for my appointment. Not only did I feel forlorn, lying there in bed, I also felt like I could possibly vomit! My headaches had improved dramatically by the next day. “Surely that was nothing to worry about.” I told my sister. Boy was I wrong!
A few days had passed and it was Friday. I had been sleeping in a couple hours later than I usually do over the summer. At first, I didn’t think anything of this, but it began happening more often. After a couple weeks had passed my “small” headaches had escalated to full-on migraines! My mom decided to take me to Lourdes Emergency Care in Paducah, where they did an ultrasound. I was scared to death because I didn’t know what was wrong with me and my sister wasn’t there to calm me if the problems I was having were serious. The results came and I only had a few swollen lymph nodes. They gave me some medicine and I was fine for a little while.
On the way home from Paducah my mom was talking to a friend and I overheard her say, “Yeah, the doctor said it’s not a tumor and she should be okay.” ‘What?!?’ I thought, furious at the fact that they were keeping something so important from me. “Have they tested her for Mono yet?” asked my mom’s friend. “No, not yet. They might if she doesn’t get better.” When we had gotten home I called my sister to tell her that everything would be alright. “What did they say? Are you going to be okay?” she asked. “Yeah,” I replied “just scared.” When I recovered a little, the work of the medicine I had been taking, I finally fell back into my normal routine, at least for a little while. That is, until I almost passed out at church.
My mom called the doctor’s office once more to see if there were any slots available now, and there was. Next thing I can recall we were sitting in the waiting room of West Side Crossing in Evansville. When the nurse called my name, “Kaitlyn”, I suddenly felt uneasy. ‘What if I do have Mono?!? Nah…’ I thought. By the time I had gotten to the room I had calmed down a little bit but I was still worried. They tested me for Mono and needless to say the tests came back negative but the wait for the results were extremely stressful.

Soon enough, with much medicine and many prayers, I recovered. Although the whole experience was frightening and upsetting it made me realize not every day is guaranteed. At any given moment someone could be diagnosed with a fatal disease. I can’t help but think of what I would be doing right now if I hadn’t recovered and something was wrong with me. In conclusion I have learned to cherish what I have.

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