30.03.2021 • 

Write a four-paragraph essay describing your plan. Your essay must include three properly referenced and defined terms from the module reading. For example if you believe that Sun City should adopt a formal method of communicating, what should it be? How does your plan address the disturbing behavior you observe? Answer these questions: What method/medium of communication will you use to communicate your operational plans? What essential business information will you require to be part of formal communication and reporting? Is there a place for informal reporting? How will you include it? What are some of the inherent barriers to communication at Sun City Boards? How will you address them? What is your preferred communication method and style? What one characteristic of good communication can you adopt to improve your communication effectiveness? Additionally, include one paragraph of your "opening remarks" to the Sun City staff. This paragraph would be included in your chosen medium as described above. You are encouraged to use appropriate illustrations or charts to describe your plan and in addition to the text, you may also reference reliable and properly cited Internet resources. You may also draw from your personal work experience with appropriate examples to support your references.

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