06.10.2021 • 

Write a response to literature, a type of argument in which you explain and defend your interpretation of a text. Be sure to state your claim,
or main idea, and support it with details and evidence from the story. , the narrator asks about the Kelveys, "What
were their thoughts?" In a brief character analysis of Lil and Else,
use evidence from the story to explain what the Kelveys might have
been thinking. Defend your analysis with story details that reveal each
girl's character
In a composition of several paragraphs, compare and contrast social
divisions in "The Doll's House" to those in American society today.
Cite evidence from the story to support your account of how social
divisions are presented in "The Doll's House."
Write a critical response to this statement: In Katherine Mansfield's
"The Doll's House," the world of the adults is far crueler than that of
the children. Cite evidence from the story to support your response.

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