23.11.2021 • 

Write an argumentative essay in which you state and defend a claim about whether it is ethical to target uninformed consumers I submitted this and got a 100. Please note there are numerous grammatical errors as my computer glitched and submitted my rough draft. I didn’t get a chance to proceed my revision phase.

P.S: read comment for the rest of the essay.

Industries have always been deceptive when it comes to marketing products for consumers. Disregarding the consumers' well-being and prioritizing financial gains over informing the general public about the possible health hazards and nutritional facts are common practices. Often times, consumers will trust the integrity of the company's products without being assured about the concerns of what may happen after over indulging due to the promises on the labeling that make it considered healthy. For example, companies that claim their product to be "Low Fat" may only have half a gram less of fat and deem it as a "healthy" choice. The slight decrease in fat has little to no impact on human health. This manipulates people to buy a product that claims to be healthy, but in reality can cause more harm than good. In addition, it is unethical to target uninformed consumers because it could negatively impact their health; the vulnerable population is being manipulated, and disrupt people's cultural beliefs.

Write an argumentative essay in which you state and defend a claim about whether it is ethical to t

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