09.12.2021 • 

Write an essay (5 or more paragraphs of an average of 10 sentences each) about the problems and solutions for one of the following topics:
1. Of adapting to a new culture while maintaining aspects of your home culture
2. Of trying to get along with your neighbors
3. Of getting used to cold weather
Please read Unit 7, page 159 on, in your “Great Paragraphs/Essays” book before writing your essay.

Your intro paragraph should have something to “hook” the reader, an introduction to the topic, and a thesis
 You should clearly state the problem from one of the 3 topics listed above.

You have 2 ways you can organize (see page 164):
o State one solution with 3 detailed reasons why it is effective
o State 3 different solutions with short reasons why they are effective
o Please do an outline first. See OUTLINE in example handout.
 Paragraphs should be between 8-12 sentences (5 paragraphs). The conclusion can be shorter.
 Your conclusion should summarize the overall problem and solution(s). There is page on practicing
conclusions at the end of Unit 7.

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