10.12.2020 • 

Write an essay that analyzes a theme in The Call of the Wild. plz add on to what I have so far:

The Call of the Wild "is the tale of the transformation of Buck, an intelligent, people-friendly dog, who got used to town and campfires into a forest resident named by his wild instincts." With a change in lifestyle, the first changes in Buck's character began. The dog, who was a member of a rich family and had everything in the life of his dog, became the dog used in the snowy deserts of Alaska for sled transport.

Another important trait of Buck's character is his desire for superiority. The German philosopher Fried rich Nietzsche and his philosophy of "will to power" influenced the subject of leadership in this work by Jack London. This theory says that there are people who want to conquer and "slaves" who do not have this will. The concept of death in the battle to be prime is also in the list of themes that the author wanted to highlight in "The Call of the Wild."

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