18.11.2020 • 

WRtZW50dW0uY29tL2xlYXJuZXItdWkvdXNlci1hc3NpZ25tZW50LzQ4OTcwMDQyL2xhdW5jaHBhZCSONTISMjg1MQ%3d%3d Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Choose the correct transition word to complete the body paragraph.
The most popular type of canoe used by adfenturists and nature lovers is the expedition canoe. This type of canoe is much bigger than
tripping canoes. It's a great choice for long trips. It's also good for carrying heavy loads. Keep in mind that steering an expedition canoe is
hard work.
with a little practice, you can get the hang of it. First, grip the paddle with one hand higher up the paddle than the
reach forward and submerge the paddle and pull it back toward your body. As you paddle, make sure that you are
using your upper body to add power to your paddle strokes.

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