14.10.2020 • 

WW Analyzing the Text
Cite Text Evidence Support your responses with evidence for the selection
1. Analyze Souef first describes Cairo as viewed from the river at a distance,
rather than from within the protest. How does this help the reader visuale the
2. Cite Evidence Describe the tone of the first two paragraphs. How does Souris
word choice in the first two paragraphs affect the tone? Give specific examples
to support your analysis
3. Infer At the end of the second paragraph Souef tells readers that "the lights of
Caro will not come on tonight." referring to a government imposed curfew and
shutdown of Internet and phone communications How does this glimpse into
the future contribute to Souets description of the present?
4. Cite Evidence Once Souef and her nieces join the protest, there is a distinct
shift in the tone Describe this change, citing specific emples of language that
contribute to the tone
5. Interpret Personification is a type of figurative language in which human
qualities are given to noiving things in Ines 15-17, how does Soul
personify the city of Cairo?
6. Inferinte19-54. Sound provides a description of the scene in Taicon
February 1. How does this scene help the reader understand how the events are
7. Analyze Notice how Soul ends this day entry with the simple sentence,
"Some of us died How does this sentence contrast with the events she
describes in line 55-587 How does it change the tone of the text?
Research Activity: Oral Report in her dary, Anda Sovel provides her on
personal account of the Egyptian revolution of 2011. Explore the topic in greater
depth through two break
1. Conduct research about a specie
event in the revolution Gather
Information from multiple sources
and remember to cite the following
Standard fort
2. Wice a brief report of your findings
and share it with the Best
include well-chosenelevant and
centracts in your report

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