23.05.2020 • 

You will write a poem about any subject of your choice using any of the forms and styles that you read about.

Part A
Spend some time brainstorming a topic that you’d like to explore in a poem. Write down your ideas and the topic you ultimately select

Part B
Next, select a style, form, and structure for your poem based on the information in this lesson. Briefly explain why you made those choices

Part C
Now that you’ve selected a topic and a structure, write a draft of your poem.

Part D
If possible, share your poem with someone and get feedback. Show it to a classmate, a friend, a parent, a teacher, or another available reviewer. Then think about the feedback you received. Did the person you shared your poem with understand it? Did they like it?

Part E
Reflect on your poetry writing process. How do you think the structure and style of your poem will affect readers? Does the topic seem to fit with the structure? What was the biggest challenge you faced in writing your poem?

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