20.06.2023 • 
Family and Home

How to Sew Curtain Tapes: Best Tips from Professionals


Have you ever wondered how to sew curtain tapes like a pro? Look no further, as we have gathered the top tips and tricks from expert seamstresses to help you create perfectly pleated curtains in no time.

What is a Curtain Tape?

Curtain tapes are fabric strips that are sewn onto the back of curtains to create pleats or ruffles. There are various types of curtain tapes available in the market, such as pencil pleat tape, pinch pleat tape, goblet pleat tape, and more. The type of tape you select depends on the style and look you want to achieve with your curtains.

Choosing the Right Tape

Before you start sewing, it is important to choose the right tape for your curtains. Pencil pleat tape is the most common option and is suitable for most styles. However, if you want a more formal look, you can opt for pinch pleat or goblet pleat tape. Additionally, consider the weight of your fabric, as heavier fabrics require thicker tapes.

Measuring and Cutting

Start by measuring the width of your curtain fabric. Cut the tape to the same length, adding an extra inch on either side for seam allowances. Next, mark the position of the pleats on the tape by making small notches along the width of the tape. The spacing between the notches depends on the style of pleat you want to create.

Creating the Pleats

Once you have marked the pleat positions, it is time to sew the tape to your curtain fabric. To create pencil pleats, pull the strings on the tape to gather the fabric evenly. For pinch pleats, fold the fabric at each notch and secure with pins. For goblet pleats, create small fabric tubes at each notch and sew to secure.

Sewing the Tape to the Fabric

Place the tape onto the back of the curtain fabric, ensuring that the notches on the tape align with the top of the fabric. Pin the tape to the fabric and stitch along the top edge of the tape. Make sure to backstitch at the beginning and end to secure the thread. Once you have sewn the tape, you can hand-stitch the bottom edge of the tape to the fabric to hold it in place.


  1. What type of tape should I use for heavy curtains?
  2. A thicker tape, such as pinch pleat tape, is suitable for heavy curtains.
  3. How far apart should the pleats be?
  4. The spacing between the pleats depends on the tape and style of pleat you want to create. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for the correct spacing.
  5. Can I use curtain tape on a sheer fabric?
  6. Yes, you can use curtain tape on sheer fabrics. However, make sure to choose a lightweight tape to avoid bulkiness.
  7. Do I need to sew the bottom edge of the tape to the fabric?
  8. It is not necessary to sew the bottom edge of the tape to the fabric, but it can help hold the tape in place and prevent it from flipping up.
  9. How do I wash curtains with tape?
  10. Check the manufacturer's instructions before washing your curtains with tape. Most tapes are machine washable on a gentle cycle, but it is best to avoid dry cleaning.


By following these tips and tricks from professional sewers, you can easily sew curtain tapes and create beautifully pleated curtains that will add a touch of elegance to any room in your home. Remember to choose the right tape, measure and cut carefully, and sew the tape to the fabric before creating the pleats. Happy sewing!

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