08.11.2020 • 

Passage of the day Death. Hate. Blood. Sorrow. Regret. Judgement. Disgusted. Disrespect. Threats. Murder. Darkness. Sadness. Fearfulness. Tortured. Humiliated. Worry. Hopelessness. Depressed. Lost. Lonely. Suffering. Disappointment. Shame. Lies. Miserable.

There are so many words that can describe our world today. We are stuck in a world a darkness, we are stuck in a world of death. The is hat going everywhere, even if we try to get out of this hate, we are still living in hate. We can try over and over again to change, but there is always something that is going to stop us. There is always something that is going to keep us from moving forward.

We need to find a way to break away the things that stop us from becoming better, we need to learn better wats to live. It does not matter who you are, what you look like, just remember you are perfect just the way you are. We can be amazing, we can be change to our society.

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