21.09.2019 • 

1. which of the following occurs in the honeymoon phase?
a. the target feels that he or she can't do anything right.
b. the target decides to tell someone about the abuse.
c. the abuser blames his or her behavior on something else, such as stress, alcohol, or drugs.
d. the abuser makes false accusations about the target.
2. which of the following statements about the three phases of dating abuse is not true?
a. the three phases of abuse are tension building, explosion, and honeymoon.
b. each phase of abuse can be as short as a few seconds or as long as several years.
c. some targets never experience the honeymoon phase, just tension building and explosion.
d. the three phases only apply to physical abuse, not emotional, sexual, or verbal abuse.
3. which of the following statements about patterns of abuse is not true?
a. the abuse becomes more severe over time.
b. the abuse becomes more frequent each time.
c. the target thinks the first incident of abuse is an isolated one.
d. the target is more likely to seek after multiple incidents of abuse occur.

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