05.11.2020 • 

PLEASE HELP I WILL GIVE YOU BRAINLIEST! THANK YOU! :) A. Sensorimotor (birth to age 2)- from Birth to Approximately Two Years, the infant perceives the world through his/her senses.
B. Preoperational (ages 2 to 6)- As they improve their ability to think in terms of symbolic thought, the foundation of thinking, remembering and language, they encounter shortcomings that distinctly define their thinking.
C. Concrete operations (ages 7 to 12)- Characterized by the development of conservation, mastery of reversibility and decentration, a gradual loss of egocentric thinking. This allows the child to begin to reason logically and to organize thoughts coherently.
D. Formal operations (ages 12 to adulthood)- The formal operational stage is characterized by thought processes that are abstract, systematic, reflective and logical.

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