12.12.2020 • 

PROJECT: BABY STEPS The first part of this project consists of making a chart or table of an infant's first year of life. There should be twelve rows, one for each month of the first year. There should be five columns consisting of these headings: physical development, cognitive development, emotional development, social development, and the five senses. In each cell of the table, list an appropriate skill or learning that takes place during that month. For example, in the first month, under physical development, you could list "rooting reflex" and explain what it is. Be sure to fill in most, if not all, of the cells.

The second part of this project consists of designing a toy that would help the baby learn a critical skill for each of the twelve months. Describe what the toy looks like (for example, size, colors, if it makes sounds) and why you designed it the way you did. For example, for the first month, you could design a large, soft fabric block that has different bold designs and bright, contrasting colors on each side. You would indicate that you chose this because it is soft, will attract the baby's attention, will help the baby develop its eyesight, and stimulate its brain.

If you use sources on the Internet or in books, please cite them at the bottom of the chart.

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