03.03.2021 • 

Read the 2 articles below. Write a paragraph ( 5-7 sentences that answer the questions below) comparing the different thoughts on weighted ball training. What are the differences between the 2 articles? What do they agree on? why do you believe there is such a difference in opinion on weighted ball training? If you play baseball what is your take on weighted ball training? If you do not play baseball, imagine that you wanted to try pitching would you use weighted balls, why/why not? What do you think is the best approach to increasing arm strength and pitching velocity? Any additional comments referring to anything related to sport specific training? Things to consider when reading the articles:

age of the athlete, growth of an athlete during high school, strength training, experience level.

https://www.startribune.com/weighted-baseballs-boost-pitch-speed-young-arm-injury-fears/481299701/ (Links to an external site.)

https://elitebaseballperformance.com/are-weighted-baseball-velocity-programs-safe-and-effective/#:~:text=Based%20on%20this%20study%2C%20weighted,4%20players%20sustained%20an%20injury (Links to an external site.).

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