03.05.2021 • 

This week You you will be writing a program for Sally . She is a housewife and mother of three . Because of her hectic schedule she can only be at the gym once a week. She would like to workout 3 times a week. Because she has given birth to three children she would like to focus on her belly fat and improving her cardiovascular fitness. At her house she has resistance tubes, a kettlebell, and a step she uses for various exercises . She was a track runner in high school, but is not familiar with how to use free weights. Her plan should be 3 days that all should look different. One of those days she has access to the crunch gym , but the other 2 must be done from home . She does live near a park with a walking track and a playground with some equipment as well. Due to time constraints her workouts can not take longer than 45 minutes to complete including her warm up and cool down. Include the exercises, sets, reps, and rest for each .

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