04.11.2020 • 

What did you learn about foodborne illnesses? Write at least 3 or 4 sentences to tell me what information you learned, what surprised you, and what you found interesting in this section THIS IS THE SECTION
-Salmonella: found on poultry & eggs
-Listeriosis: found on deli/ ready to eat meats
-Botulism: found in improperly canned goods, baked potatoes, honey.
-Hepatitis A: Found in human feces & can contaminate any food a human touches
-Staphylococcus: is on humans in high concentrations under fingernails & in the nose
-E.coli: Primarily in beef and fresh vegetables
0Shigellosis: Potato salad, tuna, shrimp, macaroni
-Campylobacter: poultry, raw (unpasteurized) dairy products, seafood, untreated water, and produce

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