04.07.2019 • 

1. after 100 years of exposure to european settlers, about what portion of native americans remained? about one-sixth about one-tenth about one-fourth about one-half 2. which is true of the southern colonies during the 1700s? most of the people in the 1700s were wealthy owners of plantations. the economy in the tidewater region was dominated by fishing. people along the coast lived very differently from people who settled inland. settlement during the 1700s was limited to cities, towns, and farms along the coast. 3. which was a term for a very large farm that often used slave labor? plantation backcountry megafarm tidewater fields 4. who was protected by maryland’s 1649 act of toleration? all catholics all protestants all christians all people with religious faith 5. what was a primary reason that southern colonial culture showed a sharp divide in financial status among whites? the political system the plantation system unfair laws imposed by england that limited success the difficulty in transporting goods from the backcountry 6. approximately how many joined nathaniel bacon in attacking and killing native americans? 100 1,000 4,000 50

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