28.09.2019 • 

1) all of the following are considered accomplishments of herbert hoover except:
a. his handling of the bonus army
b. his role as head of the food administration during wwi
c. his role in the campaign to send food to central europe
d. thousands of u.s. citizens get home at the outbreak of wwi

2) how did the supreme court react to the new deal?
a. by ruling all agencies constitutional
b. by reversing his ability to create more agencies
c. by ruling that some of the agencies were unconstitutional
d. by vetoing the plan

3)what was the purpose of the court reorganization bill?
a. a plan to increase the power of the supreme court
b. a plan to appoint a new judge for every judge that was seventy or older
c. a plan to take away the president's power to appoint justices
d. a plan to reorganize the power of veteran justices

which of the following best describes "rugged individualism"?
a. it defined individuals who loved the outdoors, as hoover did
b. it defined those who remained living in the 'frontier' during the great depression
c. it defined those who relied on themselves and also applied to free competition in economics
d. it defined those who were able to succeed without standing in the breadlines

5) which of the following would not be considered an example of the consumer culture of the 1920s?
a. a growth in industry
b. more of a focus on leisure time
c. a nationwide craze over sports and spectator games
d. a decline in advertising

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