27.11.2021 • 

1. It is a single hand-held smooth-surfaced gong with a narrow rim. a. Tongatong b. Solibao c. Bungkaka d. Gangsa
2. The name “Cordillera” is borrowed from a Spanish word “cuerda” meaning .
a. Rope b. Interlocking c. Chain d. Shackles
3. It is an epic poetry which is recited and chanted during occasions like: harvesting of rice, weddings, funeral wake and bone washing (bogwa) ritual.
a. Kudlung b. Hudhud c. Kudyapi d. Batiwtiw

4. It is a style of singing without prior preparation or practice in leader-chorus form.
a. Kulilal b. Tultul c. Ibaloi badiw d. Kawayanna

5. It is a bamboo percussion instrument used by the people of Kalinga to communicate with spirits during house blessings.
a. Tongatong b. Ulibaw c. Kullitong d. Paldong

6. It is 5 or more different sizes of slender bamboo that is tied together.
a. Saggeypo b. Tongatong c. Solibao d. Diwdiw-as

7. The following are the vocal music of Cordillera, EXCEPT;
a. Owiwi b. Balitaw c. Dagdagay d. Oppia

8. It is a nose flute that originated in the Cordillera which is usually made from a slender bamboo species called “buho”.
a. Bungkaka b. Kullitong c. Kalaleng d. Tulali

9. It is an extensive chain of mountains or mountain ranges
a. Cordillera b. Palawan c. Mindoro d. Cebu

10. The following are the characteristics of the vocal music of the music of Cordillera, EXCEPT:
a. Charismatic b. Monophonic c. Melismatic d. Iambic

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