08.07.2019 • 

1. list three things england did to tighten control on the colonists. 2. why did england feel the need to tighten control on the colonists? (at least 2 separate items) 3. describe what the colonists did to protest these controls. (at least 2 separate items) 4. what were the main economic factors motivating the colonists to oppose the sugar act and the stamp act? what political principles were at stake for the colonists? 5. although, the colonists rejected benjamin franklin’s call to unite in the face of the threat from france, they came together to effectively resist british efforts to impose new taxes after 1763. what accounts for the increased cooperation? 6. britain adopted much firmer policies toward the colonists after the boston tea party. in your opinion, did the mother country overreact, or was it a case of a mother finally realizing that her children had spun out of control? explain your reasoning. 7. in your opinion were the shots fired at lexington the final straw? could the colonies and britain still settle their differences? how?

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