10.10.2019 • 

1. placing supporters in office
kitchen cabinet
2. jackson's successor elected 1836
tallmadge amendment
3. buy land with hard money only
andrew jackson
4. elected president in 1824
5. supported adams
spoils system
6. the process of leaving the union
martin van buren
7. prohibit growth of slavery in new territory
panic of 1837
8. was president in 1832
john c. calhoun
9. jackson's informal advisors
national republicans
10. resigned as vice president
pet banks
11. supported jackson
missouri compromise
12. federal money was placed in these
13. depression caused by jackson's policies
john q. adams
14. no slavery above 36° 30' line
specie circular

1. placing supporters in office  kitchen cabinet  2. jackson's successor elected 1836

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