28.04.2021 • 

1. To whom is the letter being sent? 2. What is the recipient's title? What do you think are the general responsibilities associated with
this title?
3. Summarize in your own words the major points of the letter.
4. What do you think was Reagan's primary motive for writing each letter?
Letter 1
The White House
October 1, 1985
Dear Bob:
In 1983, I announced the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), a program of vigor-
ous research in advanced defensive technologies. Our aim is to investigate options
for increasing the contribution of defenses, with a focus on eliminating the
threat currently posed by ballistic missiles. The long-term promise provided by
this earch the possibility of moving towards an enhanced ns of deterring
aggression, strengthening stability, and increasing the security of the United
States and our allies--and doing so through the increased contribution of defen-
sive systems that threaten no one.
The Soviet Union's efforts in strategic defense have long been far more extensive
than our own. Over the last decade, the Soviet Union has spent roughly as much
on strategic defenses as it has on its massive, but more widely known, offensive
force build-up. In the near term, the SDI research program responds to this
ongoing and extensive Soviet activity. It provides both a hedge and a deterrent
against any Soviet decision to expand its ballistic missile defense capability in
the hope of gaining advantage.
I fear that there may be a lack of awareness and understanding of the scope of
Soviet activities in the area strategic defense. Given the criticality of this
subject, I would like to arrange for a detailed, classified briefing on Soviet Strategic
defenses to the full United States Senate in a closed session. I would greatly
appreciate your personal support in scheduling of this briefing as soon as possible.
[signed) Ron
The Honorable Bob Dole
Majority Leader
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

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