13.09.2021 • 

1. town meetingType your answer here> government problems and finances.2. What were the New England colonial governments based on, and how did that system work?Type your answer here>3. Describe the colonial New England economy and system of education.Type your answer here>4. indentured servantType your answer here>5. Why did the New England economies and populations grow faster than the colonies in the South?Type your answer here>6. Why did the South rely on slave labor by the 1670s?Type your answer here>7. Which 17^th century English religious groups tended to populate the New England colonies, and how did thatinfluence those colonies?Type your answer here>8. Describe the Triangular Trade.Type your answer here>9. Name, using a complete sentence, some of the key industries that were unique to colonial New England from1620 to 1770.Type your answer here>10. Describe economic life in the Middle Colonies (New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey).Type your answer here>

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