15.12.2020 • 

1. What are imperial powers? (4 points)

Countries that have factories
Kingdoms who join together
Lands that are taken over
Nations who rule colonies

Which of the following inspired colonization of Africa and Asia? (4 points)

The Age of Discovery
The Industrial Revolution
Italian unification
German unification

Which of the following was a reason for imperialism? (4 points)

To control territory
To find better leaders
To prevent future war
To give out extra wealth

Why did imperial nations use propaganda for imperialism? (4 points)

To civilize the native people in colonies
To persuade people to buy more goods
To justify their actions to their people
To take over land rich in gold and silver

How did imperialism affect some colonies? (4 points)

They built up reserves of gold and silver.
They gained status with other colonies.
They could protect their traditional ways.
They were drained of natural resources.

Use the map to answer the following question:

The image shows a map of Africa in 1914. The map shows the colonies set up by different European countries. Colonies of Belgium are shown in blue. French colonies are purple. Colonies of Germany are dark green. Colonies of Italy are light yellow. Portuguese colonies are shown in light green. Spanish colonies are orange. The colonies of the United Kingdom are in pink. For example, the Belgian Congo is shown in blue. The Cameroons are in light yellow. Angola is in light green. Madagascar is in purple. Rio De Oro is shown in orange. Egypt is shown in pink.
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Which imperial nation colonized the island of Madagascar? (4 points)

United Kingdom

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