22.06.2021 • 

1. What is the distance traveled by the ball at 20º? ___15 m 2. Ho1. What is the distance traveled by the ball at 20º? ___15 m 2. How would you compare the distance travelled by the ball at angles of 35º to 55º? __ 3. At what angle of projection is the distance travelled maximum? 4. What is the height achieved by the ball that is projected at an angle of 70º? 5. Compare the height achieved by the ball projected at 35º to 55º. 6. Explain the relationship between the angle of projection to the range and height of a projection. w would you compare the distance travelled by the ball at angles of 35º to 55º? __ 3. At what angle of projection is the distance travelled maximum? 4. What is the height achieved by the ball that is projected at an angle of 70º? 5. Compare the height achieved by the ball projected at 35º to 55º. 6. Explain the relationship between the angle of projection to the range and height of a projection.

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