25.09.2019 • 

1. what was john locke's part in the american revolution?
a. he was a signer of the declaration of independence.
b. he was a spy for the americans.
c. he wrote the consitution.
d.his ideas influenced american's founders.
2. what was the enlightenment?
a.the time immediately following the american revolution
b. a movement started by the sons of liberty
c. a time when people began discussing new ideas
d. a word used by the british to describe their rule of the colonies
3. which of the following would monterquieu have approved of?
a. a totalitarian dictatorship
b. checks and balances
c. a theocracy
d. the aritcles of confederation
4. which principle of the consitution was influenced by john locke?
a. popular sovereignty
b. federalism
c. the great compromise
d. the separation of powers.

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