03.05.2021 • 

1.Which group benefitted most because Oklahoma did not end prohibition in the state until 1959, even though federal prohibition had ended with the passage of the 21st Amendment in 1933? a)religious groups
b) Ogrocery stores

2.even the women won the right to vote with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920 women in Oklahoma or not permitted to serve in every state of skew should have office on question 302 past and what year.

c)1942 1964 Oklahoma experienced a forest or a forest change and boundary lines for voters after over 50 years of not following State constitutional law to evaluate the boundaries after every census.

a) rezoning
b) resectioning
c) redistricting

4.Carl Albert attained the highest position held by an Oklahoman in national government when he became in 1971.

a) speaker of the house
b) supreme court justice
c) president

5.who was elected as Oklahoma's first Republican governor in 1962 and then in 1968 won a senate seat for Oklahoma's Republican party for the first time in 20 years.

a) henry bellmon
b)carl albert
c) robert s. kerr

6.tending to favorite tradition and social stability over rapid social change and to support free market solutions to economic and social problems ideas became linked to the Republican Party in the last half of the 20th century.

a) liberal
b) conservative
c) progressive

7.Dig Two State Constitutional Amendment the over 200 independent agencies boards and commissions created in Oklahoma or like a(n).

a) fourth branch of government
b) tandem government
c) supportive network

8. are fines authorized by the legislature to be spent.

a) excise taxes
b) expenditures
c) Appropriations

9. Oklahoma has many funds that are designated to be spent only on particular programs and are considered to be funds.

a) allocated
b) reserved
c) earmarked

10.Oklahoma taxes which of the following Goods that most other states with sales tax do not.

a) clothing
b) food
c) cars

11.commonly called sin taxes these are government charges added to the price of beer, whiskey, tobacco and other similar items.

a) optional taxes
b) excise taxes
c) morality taxes

12. historically speaking Oklahoma has relied on income to fund the state budget from taxes on which of the following.

a) oil production
b) corporate income
c) personal income ​

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