25.01.2021 • 

1. Which of the following would be supported by the decision in Plessy V Ferguson? A. It is OK to have separate schools for blacks and whites, if both have qualified teachers.
B. It is illegal to separate people by race because it violates the spirit of the constitution.
C. African Americans cannot be denied the right to vote.
D. Segregation is not acceptable based on US Constitution.

2. On which of the following points would W.E.B. Du Bois likely disagree with Booker T. Washington?
A. what occupations African Americans should pursue in US society
B. the need for African Americans to take steps to better themselves and become economically independent
C. the need for African Americans to be better trained and educated
D. the belief that whites enjoy certain advantages in society

3. Why did the Radical Republicans oppose Johnson's plans for Reconstruction, and what two pieces of legislation did they push thro~gh Congress between 1866 and 1868 to help ensure the civil rights of African Americans?

4. What were the conditions of the compromise of 1877 what is meant by the term, solid south?

5. Describe the role of African-Americans in southerns politics The days of reconstruction. How did this role change after Reconstruction?

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