22.01.2022 • 

1920s History Questions. 1. List FIVE new products that emerged during the 1920s. What do most of
the new products have in common?
2. a) List 5 examples of slang and its meaning from the 1920s.
b) Write 3 sentences using the slang in the proper context of the 1920s.
3. Name 3 things a teacher was not allowed to do in the 1920s.
4. Describe 4 characteristics of men’s and women’s fashions in the 1920s
5. Name 5 dances of the 1920s.
6. Who was the Group of Seven? What did they focus on?
7. Name 3 forms of entertainment in the 1920s.
8. Name 5 popular sports of the 1920s. Who were some famous athletes?
9. For what reason was the “Bluenose” famous?
10. What was the danger of running “bootleg” booze?
11. List 5 methods of transportation during the 1920s.
12. Give 3 reasons why the Model T was the most popular car.
13. Outline 2 problems in the performance and maintenance of automobiles in
the 1920s.
14. In YOUR opinion, what is the most significant part of the 1920’s that you find most influential and intriguing (two part answer).

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