30.06.2019 • 

196. if a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out. 197. if he break another man's bone, his bone shall be broken. 198. if (a free man) put out the eye of a freed man, or break the bone of a freed man, he shall pay one gold mina. 199. if he put out the eye of a man's slave, or break the bone of a man's slave, he shall pay one-half of its value. 200. if a man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth shall be knocked out. 201. if he knock out the teeth of a freed man, he shall pay one-third of a gold mina. 202. if any one strike the body of a man higher in rank than he, he shall receive sixty blows with an ox-whip in public. 203. if a free-born man strike the body of another free-born man or equal rank, he shall pay one gold mina. 204. if a freed man strike the body of another freed man, he shall pay ten shekels in money. 205. if the slave of a freed man strike the body of a freed man, his ear shall be cut off. - taken from the code of hammurabi using this excerpt from the code of hammurabi, it can be determined that a) mesopotamians lived in a society without classes. b) mesopotamians lived in a society without rules and order. c) mesopotamians believed all "people were created equally." d) mesopotamians believed in the "eye for an eye" approach to justice.

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