01.03.2021 • 

2. How did the Berlin Conference prevent the imperialist governments of Europe from going to war with one another? The Berlin Conference established trading regions that allowed only certain countries to trade in certain areas.
At the Berlin Conference, the countries of Europe divided Africa's known natural resources evenly among themselves.
O At the Berlin Conference, European countries agreed to rules for dividing up control of the continent of Africa.
O The Berlin Conference outlawed slavery throughout the entire African continent, which made colonization less profitable.

3. At first, europeans did not try to colonize Africa’s interior, settling instead along Africa’s coasts. What was it about the native population that made Europeans hesitate to expand their empires into the heart of Africa?
A- The native people knew the strange landscape of the interior and therefore could more easily resist
B- The native had formed alliances with Asian troops, which made their armies too large to defeat
C- The native tribes of Africa had access to dangerous weapons and many skilled warriors
D- The native tribes are likely to ban together, forming an army that would be difficult to overcome

4. What was Germany’s reaction when African people tried to stop German settlers from seizing control of their homelands
A-The German government sent in a large army to keep the peace between German settlers and African tribes
B- Government troops were ordered to exterminate African natives in order to make the region safer
C-The settlers asked their government to buy the land from the Africans at a cheap price
D-Germany relocated settlers to the new areas where there were no African tribes

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