14.07.2019 • 
History did the life of lower-class colonists differ from that of the poor in europe a) the colonists could count on a comfortable retirement after their year of labor b) the colonists had a great deal of leisure time c) the colonists often lived in conditions that european consideres luxurious d) the colonists could get property and move up the social scale 5) in what way did the colonies offer settlers greater political right than they would have had in england? a) a far greater percentage of white males in the colonies could vote than in england b) colonial women as well as men could vote in town elections c) in addition to white males, free african americans and native americans who owned property could vote d) voting rolls were seldom inspectes because of the great distance from england 6) how did some colonists get around the navigation acts? a) by sell to english merchants b) by smuggling c) by s

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