02.03.2021 • 

6. Alcohol was seen as detriment to society because it was associated with -
A. people not attending work on a regular basis
B. the development of mental illness in people
C. women having babies born in poor health
D. crime and poor family relationships

7. Horace Mann supported Education Reform because
A. he believed every child should have the right to attend school
B. he wanted to be paid more as a teacher himself
C. only males were allowed to be teachers
D. it would eventually lead to the abolishment of slavery

8. Mann believed paying teachers a higher salary would result in improving education because
A. teachers would spend their own money to buy better textbooks
B. teachers would be better respected in society resulting in students paying more attention in the classroom
c. more talented people would seek to become teachers, and better teachers would result in better education
D. the basic needs of teachers for food, clothing, and shelter would be met. A teacher could perform better in
the classroom if they had their basic needs met

I’ll mark brainliest if you can answer all!!!

6. Alcohol was seen as detriment to society because

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