10.12.2019 • 

__7. louis xiv, peter the great, and tokugawa leyasu did all but one of the following:
a. restricted the power the nobility
b. used architecture for political purposes
c. engaged in aggressive foreign and domestic policies
d. gave up much of their power to the nobility
8. the janissaries were originally:
a. provincial governors
b. a slave army
c. ottoman officials
d. muslim monks
_9. an important point of akbar's policy was:
a. religious toleration
b. territorial expansion
c. strong central government
d. suppression of hinduism
10. the ottomans captured constantinople during the reign of:
a. mehmet 11
b. suleiman the magnificent
c. mustafa naima
d. muhammad kuprili
11. the military leader of the ottoman empire who tried unsuccessfully to capture vienna
in 1683 was:
a. suleiman the magnificent
b. muhammad kuprili
c. mehmet ii
d. kara mustafa

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