29.07.2019 • 

7) the united states became involved in world war ii primarily because of events in a)asia. b) europe. c) the pacific. d)north africa. 8) the main goal of the japanese in their attacks against the united states in december 1941 was a)to cripple the us pacific fleet. b)to divert us attention from the war in europe. c)to convince the united states not to enter the war. d)to force the us to enter the war on the side of the axis powers. 9) the main reason the attack at pearl harbor was so damaging is because at the time of the attack a)most of the united state's navy ships were at the harbor. b)important members of the military were visiting the harbor. c)the congress tried to hold negotiations with the german government. d)president roosevelt would not change america’s isolationist policies. 10) how did america's involvement in world war ii trigger a mass migration? a) people moved from one place to seek work in other places. b)african americans moved back to the south in record numbers. c)women moved in with their families while their husbands were away. d)hawaiians fled to the mainland in response to the pearl harbor attack.

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