09.12.2019 • 

7. which statement correctly describes the global impact of the american revolution?
a. it established that, unlike in the glorious revolution, important political and economic reforms could be made peacefully.
b. it demonstrated that colonial rebels could not get military or economic assistance from the other nations provided that a colonial revolt could produce a nation with an elected leader and an elected legislature. showed that, as in the glorious revolution, absolute monarchs would listen and solve grievances of the people

8. which precedents did the u.s. constitution establish for other governments? select 2 that apply
-government power can be divided into two branches
-citizens have basic rights that governments must safeguard
-accused people are presumed guilty until proven innocent
-people cannot be forced to testify against themselves

9.which of the following is an example of the legislative branch checking the judicial branch in the u.s government?
a.the supreme court declares a law passed by congress to by unconstitutional
b.the president appoints a new chief justice.
c.the senate approves a treaty negotiated by the president
d. congress rejects a nominee to a federal court

10 under the us constitution, which responsibilities do noncitizens living in the united states have? select 2
-military service
-obeying laws
-paying taxes
-religious practice

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