29.05.2020 • 

The PRIMARY purpose of Stalin's 1928 Five Year Plan was to
A) push Lenin from political power.
B) rapidly industrialize the Soviet Union.
C) prepare to establish communism in Russia.
D) invade Germany in revenge for World War I.

The end of the ___ Dynasty had a profound and long-lasting impact on the people living in the yellow are on this map.
A) Habsburgs
B) Hohenzollern‎
C) Romanovs
D) Tudors
The socialist group called the Bolsheviks lead the final stage of the Russian Revolution and followed the teachings of
A) Johann Goethe.
B) Thomas Paine.
C) John Locke.
D) Karl Marx.
Which statement BEST describes the Bolshevik Revolution?
A) It was begun by Joseph Stalin.
B) It began a civil war in Russia.
C) It toppled Tsar Alexander II from power.
D) It prevented Russia from exiting World War I.
Which choice BEST describes the shift in political power that took place following the Russian Revolution of 1917?
A) Autocratic→Communist
B) Communist→Democratic
C) Democratic→Fascist
D) Fascist→Communist
Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies to the Petrograd District Garrison
To be immediately and fully executed by all men in the Guards, army, artillery and navy and to be made known to the Petrograd workers.
The Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies has resolved:
1. In all companies, battalions, regiments, batteries, squadrons and separate services of various military departments and on board naval ships committees shall be immediately elected from among representatives of the rankers of the foregoing units….
4. All orders issued by the Military Commission of the State Duma shall be carried out, except those which run counter to the orders and decrees issued by the Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.
5. All kinds of weapons, namely rifles, machine-guns, armoured cars and so forth, shall be placed at the disposal and under the control of the company and battalion committees and shall by no means be issued to the officers, not even at their insistence.
6. In formation and on duty, soldiers shall strictly observe military discipline; however, off duty and formation, in their political, civic and private life, soldiers shall fully enjoy the rights granted to all citizens.
In particular, standing to attention and obligatory saluting off duty shall be cancelled.
7. Likewise, officers shall be addressed as Mr. General, Mr. Colonel, etc., instead of Your Excellency, Your Honour, etc.
Rudeness towards soldiers of all ranks and, in particular, addressing them as `thou' shall be forbidden. Any violation of this rule and all cases of misunderstanding between officers and soldiers shall be reported by the latter to the company committees.

Source: An Illustrated History of the Great October Socialist Revolution: 1917, Moscow, USSR, 1988.
Which historical development was a catalyst for the political and social change discussed in the source?
A) World War I
B) World War II
C) The Crimean War
D) The Russo-Japanese War

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