23.08.2019 • 

project: new world explorers
before you begin
in this project, you will be asked to write an informative essay about a new world explorer. informative essays use evidence-based research to clearly and precisely inform an audience about a topic. characteristics of an informative essay are:
a precise thesis statement that outlines the key information to be presented
a consistent and effective organizational style that uses transitions to create a seamless flow of information
evidence-based research from credible sources, including facts, definitions, primary source quotations, examples, and concrete details
formal writing style
an effective conclusion
researching a topic
the internet provides a wide variety of sources for you to use. however, not all of these sources are reliable. how do you evaluate the reliability of a source? look at the image below.
this site ends in .gov. this means it is sponsored by the u.s. government. sites that end in .gov and .edu are usually reliable sources.
this site clearly states who is responsible for the information provided. this information comes from "the office of the historian and the clerk of the house's office of art and archives."
notice that you can contact the people responsible for providing the information. this is another feature of a reliable source.
this site gives you citation information. most reliable sources will you accurately cite any research information you use.
notice that this site is ad-free. there are no pop-ups. this is another key feature of a reliable source. no one is trying to sell you anything.
use the checklist provided to you as you evaluate research sources.
as you research, look for information that will support your essay. your goal is to inform an audience about the new world explorations of an explorer. this is not a biography. stick to information about the explorer's experiences in the new world and why those experiences were significant.
craft a thesis
after you've gathered enough information to begin, it's time to craft a thesis. a thesis statement expresses the central idea of an essay. it should be one sentence that gives the key information you will share with your audience. make sure your thesis directly addresses the prompt by answering the question or task you have been assigned.
begin your outline
an outline you organize your ideas into a logical flow. you may want to use an outline like the one below.
image description:
thesis statement:
paragraph 1: introduction
a. introductory statement
b. attention grabber
c. thesis statement
paragraph 2: first body paragraph
a. topic sentence
b. two or three pieces of research-based evidence that supports and enhances topic sentence
paragraph 3: second body paragraph
a. topic sentence
b. two or three pieces of research-based evidence that supports and enhances topic sentence
c. transitional sentence
paragraph 4: third body paragraph
a. topic sentence
b. two or three pieces of research-based evidence that supports and enhances topic sentence
c. transitional sentence
paragraph 5: conclusion
a. restatement of thesis
b. summary of key points
c. concluding thought
prepare your outline by first determining the key points of information you will present. each body paragraph should have a main idea that is supported with research-based evidence. this can include concrete details, definitions, examples, relevant facts, and quotations. make sure to write down the source information for any evidence you use. then, transfer this evidence into your outline. once you organize your essay, you are ready to begin writing.
choose an explorer, and write an informative essay regarding his role in the new world. include evidence-based research from reliable sources. your essay should include a thesis statement, three body paragraphs and a conclusion. your essay should also include a mathematical calculation regarding the modern-day cost of the exploration in order to the reader better understand the exploration. when you are finished, upload your completed essay for grading.
choose one of the following explorers and write a 500-word informative essay regarding his role in the new world. include information about the explorer's work and an evaluation of its historical significance. provide present-day calculations of how much the exploration would cost today.
cabot de soto columbus
drake joliet ponce de leon
balboa champlain magellan
pizarro hudson vespucci
cortes coronado

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