29.06.2019 • 

98 write a 6 paragraph essay on ww2 being a continuation of ww1. will give use the thesis "ww2 was a continuation of ww1 because the harsh measures of the treaty of versailles caused more problems than it solved, the allies where ultimately unwilling to enforce the treaty, and the united states tried to return to its prewar isolationism."intro3 body supporting the claims1 body your module project, you will defend or reject the following statement: "world war ii was a continuation of world war i."write an argument essay (three to five paragraphs) supporting your position. support your claim with logical arguments and evidence. take time to view this tutorial on argument writing to prepare your response.decide whether you will defend or reject the following statement: “world war ii was a continuation of world war i.”analyze the causes, course, and consequences of both world war i and world war ii.what countries fought in world war i, and why did each fight? what were the terms of the treaty of versailles that ended world war i? what were the effects of world war i? what were the political, economic, and social developments in the period between the end of world war i and the start of world war ii? step 2: plan your argumentremember that a good response is one that incorporates a strong thesis (also called a position, stance, or claim), logical arguments that support your thesis, evidence to support each argument, and a conclusion that ties your ideas together. before you begin writing, organize your thoughts. you can use the argument essay template to guide you.step 3: write your argumentuse your outline to write your arguments. your final submission must include: three to five paragraphs (introduction, body paragraphs, counterclaim paragraph, conclusion)an introduction that introduces the topic, explains why it is important, and states your thesis/claim (world war ii was a continuation of world war i or world war ii was not a continuation of world war i)logical arguments that support your thesis/claimevidence to support each argumenta counterclaim and evidence to support the counterclaimexplanation regarding how the evidence supporting the thesis/claim is stronger than the evidence supporting the counterclaimuse of formal writing style (i.e. write in the third person, avoid statements that use "i," use formal language, avoid slang)

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