25.12.2020 • 

An absolute monarchy is a form of government in which one ruler has supreme authority without limitation. . . . Powers of the king.—The King, Louis XVI, was absolute. He ruled by the divine right theory which held that he had received his power to govern from God and was therefore responsible to God alone. He appointed all civil officials and military officers. He made and enforced the laws. He could declare war and make peace. He levied taxes and spent the people’s money as he saw fit. He controlled the expression of thought by a strict censorship of speech and press. By means of lettres de cachet (sealed letters which were really blank warrants for arrest) he could arbitrarily [without reason] imprison anyone without trial for an indefinite period. He lived in his magnificent palace at Versailles, completely oblivious to the rising tide of popular discontent [frustration]. . . .
{Source: Friedman & Foner, A Genetic Approach to Modern European History, College Entrance Book Co., 1938}

Using the text above, identify five powers held by King Louis XVI and describe why these powers may have led the French people to revolt against their government.

what are some Powers Held By Louis XVI?
How might this power lead some French people to revolt against their government?





the help is appreciated! a good 15 points and brainliest just for trying your best? i say its a pretty good deal!

please help. i need it

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