06.04.2021 • 

Anyone write a conclusion for this? Some sources such as A, B, E, F, H provide convincing evidence that Russia got more than Germany from the Nazi-Soviet Pact. Nikita Khrushchev who was in 1939 the head of the communist party of Ukraine mentions in his memoirs which were published in 1971 that the Nazi-Soviet Pact was in favor of the Soviet Union. He mentioned that when they called the British and French representatives, they weren’t agreeing to join forces with them and attack Germany. He said that Stalin thought that they would not have to go to war with German through this non-aggression pact and they could save their power. The Source mentions that the Pact was mandatory and that it could not have been gotten pass. In his opinion the pact was sensible on their part. Source B provides evidence but also doesn’t provide evidence that Russia got more than Germany in the Pact. John Gates who was a leading communist in the USA mentions in his memoirs published in 1958 that although the pact may have been mostly unfavorable to the Soviet Union it gave it time to prepare itself for a deadly attack on Germany. He says that the western powers wanted Germany to attack Soviet Union and this pact gave them safety for the time being. Furthermore, in a speech by Molotov to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on 31 August 1939 he mentioned that this Pact was of great value to them because it would not allow war between the Soviet Union and Germany and that it insured that they could help keep world peace. They thought that the British and the French were pressuring Germany to attack the Soviet Union, so this Pact stopped that. In a conversation between Beria, Khrushchev and Stalin, Stalin says that Hitler thinks he has tricked Stalin, but Stalin is the one who has tricked Hitler and that this is all of game of who can fool who first. Lastly, a cartoon published in the Polish magazine we see Ribbentrop kissing Hitler’s hand seeing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact that he is holding in his hand. This shows that the Soviet Union and Germany have joined forces and Poland is in great danger.

Although the Pact may have protected Russia from war there were many other reasons it was not in favor of the Soviet Union. Some sources such as B, C, D, G don’t provide convincing evidence that Russia got more than Germany from the Nazi-Soviet Pact. John Gates who was a leading communist in the USA mentions in his memoirs published in 1958 that the Pact was mostly not in favor of the Soviet Union. He mentions that Eugene Dennis was making some sensible points like they should not be sitting here doing nothing but to fight against the fascist enemies and the democratic government. They believed that the British and French were responsible for an imperialist war. In an American cartoon published in September 1939 we can see two predators which are the Nazi’s and the Soviet Union and a little girl who was Poland. This cartoon suggests that Hitler and Stalin are both aggressive predators and have come together to destroy and divide Poland between them. A British cartoon published on 20 September 1939 states that Hitler and Stalin are cynical and deceitful, and they have made an alliance with their worst enemy simply to invade, conquer and divide Poland. They both have guns which shows that they do not trust each other at all and that this is just the Pact that is stopping them to attack each other. In a speech by Hitler to his generals on 22 August 1939 Hitler brings out the fact that Daladier and Chamberlain are useless allies and that it was better to join forces with Stalin because all he wanted was to conquer Poland, which they did. He says that after that Stalin is his target and he will assassinate him as he is a sick man. He wanted to rule the world.

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