05.11.2019 • 

Aresource comparison of the union and confederacy during the civil war. the title is comparing resources. the data are as follows. for each category, the union percentage is listed first, the confederate percentage, second. horses, 72, 28, food crops, 72, 28, cotton, 1, 99, prewar exports, 30, 70, soldiers, 67, 33, firearm production, 97, 3, railroad tracks, 71, 29, factories, 86, 14, bank deposits, 81, 19, total population, 71, 29. public domain use the graph and your knowledge of u.s. history to answer the question. which of these explains the differences in union vs. confederate firearm production during the civil war? the north had a highly skilled labor force to make them. the north's heavy industrialization provided an advantage. the south had fewer men who were trained as metalworkers. the south's means of production were destroyed by general william tecumseh sherman.

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