28.08.2020 • 

As an archaeologist, you spend a lot of your summers digging around in the sands of the Middle East, trying not to broil in the heat and occasionally finding fragments of
cultures long dead and gone. You stumble across a collection of artifacts one day that
promise to make you as famous as Indiana Jones...if you can interpret what they
actually meant. The find is a skeleton, buried with the remains of implements of war (a
shield, a spear) and what appears to be two wheels. Clutched in the warrior's hand is a
stone tablet, inscribed in cuneiform, that describes an ancient city of unknown name
raising a ziggurat in order to beseech the gods for help in a great battle yet to come.
National Geographic is coming to interview you on the find, and they'll want to know
what it actually means: Tell the cameras all you know, or think you know, about the
artifacts you've found and how they would have connected to their world.

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